Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Girl

I dreamed of my daughter last night. So surreal and sweet.
Was about 2 years of age. Cute in a sweet way.
Was walking with her hand in hand in a place like expo.
Was crowded but with my family, my dad, mum and the wife.

The feeling was indescribable. It felt so calm, warm and paternal.
I think my time has come and from somewhere within, a switch has been turned on.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I don't trust people easily. More often, I'm skeptic about people and their moltives.
I miss the days when we were innocent and juz had simple things to look forward to...
I never like to have to explain myself, it makes me feel untrustworthy.
I think it takes a lot to trust and be trusted. However, most like me usually prefers to be trusted than to trust.
I like the blog, where trust can never be broken. It's one place where trust has a sanctuary; cause it never answers back.

Family seems the only place where I can or should put my trust in. But even that seems full of doubt now.

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's time...

To reflect: A new year is here. New changes HAVE to be made.
To think: A new career is possible. New job HAVE to be found.
To react: A new flat is ready. New family HAVE to be steadied.
To save: A new challenge awaits. New methods HAVE to be used.